Armando Headshot

Phone: (818) 919-2551 
CalRE #01493429



Nice to meet you! I am, Armando Oliva, an active real estate broker with over 500 properties sold to date! Over the last 20 years I have sold just about every type of real estate.

I also have earned a wealth of business acumen and knowledge through owing and managing real estate offices, a mortgage company and an escrow company. Furthermore, as a real estate instructor, I have personally trained hundreds of new agents and helped them thrive in their new careers.

There has never been a better time to get your license and enter the real estate market. Whether you want to be a full time agent, or just work part-time, having a real estate license gives you a lot of options!

Real Estate is an amazing and rewarding business. I look forward to helping you get licensed and pursue your dreams!”

Armando Oliva, Owner & President of The Realty Academy and Realty Smart Inc., is a local entrepreneur with a successful track record of building failing companies into thriving businesses for over 21 years right here in the Los Angeles area.

Prior to launching The Realty Academy, Armando Oliva founded Training Solutions, a Los Angeles based safety training company and his very first business venture in 2002. Armando has always had a knack for public speaking and an unmatched ability to educate. This strength grew Training Solutions into the largest provider of emergency cardiac care training and safety classes in Los Angeles. The company is still providing life-saving education to thousands of students every year.

Soon after the sale of his first successful project, Training Solutions, Armando dove into reinventing a failing local health club and turned it into the ever popular and flourishing, Woodland Hills Athletic Club (The WHAC). A venture that would utilize his knowledge of subscription business’ and fitness. Today The WHAC boasts over 3,500 members.

Currently, Armando is the known as “The Real Estate Professor” and proudly assists in helping over 100 students a month pass the California Real Estate Exam on their first try! He also teaches additional #realestate101 workshops to ensure his student’s success in the industry and is committed to helping every student “Go do great things”! You can follow him @therealtyprofessor or on FB & YouTube for industry insights and information on passing the state exam!



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*This is an estimate only and is not an appraisal. The CB Estimate®. provides an estimated market value of your home generated by a proprietary algorithm using aggregated data collected from third parties and public records and is intended to provide you with a general value of the property. The actual appraised value of any property may be higher or lower than the estimated market value provided by the CB Estimate®.